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cdg137【dan gibson/thunder spirit
雷之暴龙  detail>>
an avenging spirit or ghost
怨灵  detail>>
be filled with an enterprising spirit
保持昂扬向上的精神状态  detail>>
 n.  吉布森〔姓氏〕。  n.  〔亦 g-〕吉布森鸡尾酒〔一种马提尼鸡尾酒,由艾酒、杜松子酒等混合而成〕。  detail>>
the lonely spirit in an old building
黑楼孤魂  detail>>
this army has an indomitable spirit
这个军队有一往无前的精神  detail>>
be the spirit
真有道理  detail>>
in spirit
精神上  detail>>
in the spirit of
本着……精神  detail>>
of spirit
灵魂  detail>>
 n.  1.精神,心灵,灵魂 (opp. body, flesh)。 2.灵,神;天使,妖精,魔鬼(等);鬼怪,幽灵。 3.〔只用 sing.〕元气...  detail>>
abigail gibson
阿比盖尔-吉布森 与儿子的保母艾比姬  detail>>
barbosa gibson
吉伯森  detail>>
bob gibson
鲍勃吉布森  detail>>
carol gibson
卢洁心  detail>>
daniel gibson
吉柏森  detail>>
debbie gibson
黛比吉布森  detail>>
don gibson
唐吉布森  detail>>